Associated Types

  1. Associated types are a powerful way of making protocols generic, but they can be a bit confusing at first. In essence, they mark holes in protocols that must be filled by whatever types conform to those protocols.
  2. Associated types work like generics.
protocol ItemStoring {
    associatedtype DataType

    var items: [DataType] { get set}
    mutating func add(item: DataType)

extension ItemStoring {
    mutating func add(item: DataType) {

We can create a NameDatabase struct that conforms to the ItemStoring protocol like this

struct NameDatabase: ItemStoring {
    var items = [String]()

Swift is smart enough to realize that String is being used to fill the hole in the associated type, because the items array must be whatever DataType is.

var names = NameDatabase()
names.add(item: "Siva Mani")
names.add(item: "Mani Siva")
print("Names: \(names.items)")

var mobileNumbers = MobileNumbersDatabase()
mobileNumbers.add(item: 9848022338)
mobileNumbers.add(item: 2233898480)
print("Mobile Numbers: \(mobileNumbers.items)")
Names: ["Siva Mani", "Mani Siva"]
Mobile Numbers: [9848022338, 2233898480]
  1. hackingwithswift
  2. medium - Swift Associated Type Design Patterns