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09 Apr 2021
iOS Swift Interviews
  1. Structs vs. Classes


22 Feb 2021
Interviews iOS Swift Concurrency

Concurrency and Grand Central Dispatch

Concurrency lets you take advantage of the fact that your device has multiple CPU cores. To make use of these cores, you will need to use multiple threads. However, threads are a low-level tool, and managing threads manually in an efficient manner is extremely difficult.


Error Handling Swift

20 Feb 2021
iOS Swift gist Error Handling

Error Handling

Here is simple example how to use error handling in swift.



16 Feb 2021
datastructures iOS Interviews


  1. Stacks - aLIFO/FILO Principle. Functions of
    1. push()
    2. pop()
    3. peek()
    4. isEmpty()
    5. capacity
    6. top - A stack is either empty or it consists of a top
  2. Examples - stack of plates, undo mechanism - changes save in stack


16 Feb 2021
oops Interviews iOS

OOPs Principles


Design Patterns

09 Feb 2021
design-patterns Interviews
Types of Design Patterns

There are mainly three types of design patterns:


iOS Interview Quick Reference

08 Feb 2021
iOS Interviews

Quick Reference

Here are few quick reference for interview preparation



07 Feb 2021



05 Feb 2021
Swift 5.3 Interviews
Swift 5.3 Features
  1. Multi-pattern catch clauses

SOLID Principles

04 Feb 2021
Interviews SOLID Principles


Single-responsibility principle (SRP)

A class should only have a single responsibility, that is, only changes to one part of the software’s specification should be able to affect the specification of the class.


Associated Types

04 Feb 2021
iOS Swift Associated Types Interviews
  1. Associated types are a powerful way of making protocols generic, but they can be a bit confusing at first. In essence, they mark holes in protocols that must be filled by whatever types conform to those protocols.
  2. Associated types work like generics.

Property Wrappers in Swift

03 Feb 2021
Swift iOS Property Wrappers Interviews

Property wrappers is definitely one of the most exciting new features in Swift 5.1. Like the name implies, a property wrapper is essentially a type that wraps a given value in order to attach additional logic to it — and can be implemented using either a struct or a class by annotating it with the @propertyWrapper attribute. Besides that, the only real requirement is that each property wrapper type should contain a stored property called wrappedValue, which tells Swift which underlying value that’s being wrapped.


protocol oriented programming

03 Feb 2021
iOS Swift Protocol Oriented Programming OOPs Interviews
Quick Reference
  1. Protocols are used to define a “blueprint of methods, properties, and other requirements that suit a particular task or piece of functionality.
  2. Protocols allow developers to write flexible and extensible code in Swift without having to compromise the language’s expressiveness.

DispatchQueue vs DispatchSemaphore

02 Feb 2021
iOS DispatchQueue DispatchSemaphore Interviews

Semaphores and groups have, in a sense, opposite semantics. Both maintain a count. With a semaphore, a wait is allowed to proceed when the count is non-zero. With a group, a wait is allowed to proceed when the count is zero.


Firebase - Update value to database

25 Jul 2020
react react-native Example Firebase

In this blog post, We’ll learn, how to use update method to update a value to realtime database in Firebase. This is an example written in react/react-native application


Firebase - Add value to database

24 Jul 2020
react react-native Example Firebase

In this blog post, We’ll learn, how to use push method to add a value to realtime database in Firebase. This is an example written in react/react-native application


Using DateTime picker in React Native - example

11 Jul 2020
react react-native Example

In this blog post, We’ll learn, how to develop a simple react native app, where user can click a button to open date picker, select a date and come back to previous screen, with the selected date displayed to a label


XCode error - The app delegate must implement the window property

06 Jul 2020
iOS SwiftUI Stack Overflow XCode

How to resolve the error The app delegate must implement the window property if it wants to use a main storyboard file swift


Hello World!

02 Jul 2020

Here is my first ever post in the blog. I always like to see Hello world as first output, in any programming language.
